Archives for category: songs

When we first started explaining this project to people late last year, an annoyingly common reaction was, “well yeah, but what counts as a song? I mean, you could just go ‘flurp!’ into a microphone and call that a song, and then you’d be done for a week, right?” We were obviously not going to do that. But some weeks have been more experimental than others. Today’s song, while hopefully better than “flurp!,” is really a single simple song idea flushed out into a soundscape. And it took 40 minutes to complete, including writing, recording and mixing, so judge it accordingly. Read the rest of this entry »

Wow, this is getting real. 52 song project is actually winding down. Just 11 more weeks to go… satisfying and yet a little sad (queue: segue) which leads us into this week’s song which borders on mourning. Leaning heavily on guitar for many of our songs, we thought we would throw out a piano piece. This quickly turned into something of a meandering lamentation which… oh, just go and listen already. Read the rest of this entry »

This is our 40th song, and in our humble opinions, there have been a few really good ones. We’re probably at a 10%-20% success rate, and only a 10%-20% abysmal failure rate, which is pretty good. However, for many people we talk to, Elizabeth is still the best song we’ve put out. And that’s kinda annoying, because it was song number 4. The thing about Elizabeth, you will remember, is that it’s a “hate song,” which people seemed to like. So, in a blatant attempt to try and build on that success, here is another song with the word “hate” in the chorus. We hope it will become your second favourite song, so that we can feel like we didn’t peak in January. Read the rest of this entry »

This morning’s song is posted slightly early as a favour to our friend and fan John (of Amber Kills, check them out), who writes, “look im in work early and bored, gimme the song.” It was also recorded with John in mind, since, after song 37, he wrote to say “I listened to the song today. Just letting you know, get your shit together. Get organized down there. At least throw a fucking harmonica into it. Show me that you give a shit.” He’s a good friend. So, as usual we have no idea if you’ll like this week’s song, but hopefully you can at least tell that we care. Read the rest of this entry »

It is becoming standard that we publish songs that we are quick to write and almost as quick to record, and it is true that Steve conjured up this ode to the elements in a quarter hour on Chris’ front porch. Characterized by a simple but catchy chord progression and a melody that we think will be stuck in your head for at least the duration of the song, it also takes its title from a line in the song that refers to something… but what? If you guess the right answer, you get a prize! (Hint: the prize is a free song. Next Friday). Read the rest of this entry »

This song is approximately what you’d get if you picked up the tempo on Wheat Kings and then asked Hootie to sing over top of it. It’s also what you get when Chris goes into his basement on a Thursday night without any song idea at all and comes out an hour and a half later with a recording. Have we lost you yet? No? Ok, here ya go… (And yes, we know that the lead singer of Hootie and the Blowfish is not actually called “Hootie.” Save your angry letters.) Read the rest of this entry »

Remember when you wanted to be a rock and roll star? Remember when all you had was that tape recorder with the red “record” button… when you popped in the blank tape, making sure to put masking tape over the record tab if it was broken… and you would wail into the tiny microphone with everything you had, all the background noises, no filters, no effects, just you and your song… Well, this week we present you with a song inspired by youth and necessitated into archaic recording practice.
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It’s a risky (and therefore perhaps unwise) thing we’ve done this week, taking the last words of a person we did not personally know, adapting them and putting them to music. But when you’re writing a new song every single week you have to look for inspiration wherever you can get it, and Jack Layton’s letter to Canadians was inspiring to a great many people including us. Some took his words and put them on posters, made them their profile picture, or even got them tattooed on their body. Here’s our contribution to add to that collection. Read the rest of this entry »

The last two 52sp songs have been sappy, so after being energized by the absolutely spectacular electric storm that swept through as I was in Toronto yesterday, here is a more upbeat tune. If you have ever experienced within days of each other both a severe lack of sleep as well as the ability to relentlessly sleep all of the time, you may be able to relate to the lyrics. If not, you may find your head bobbing in time to the quick offbeats or the power guitar chorus. And if all that fails, set this tune as your morning alarm. It won’t let you down.
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If you are ever feeling down, perhaps a little glum, don’t you ever take yourself away to an island in your mind? Somewhere warm? An island filled with all of the positive, calming things in your life? Perhaps that is cliche, however this song is intended to conjure up warm and relaxed feelings that may be metaphor to sailing, blue water, warm weather, and getting away from it all. Read the rest of this entry »