Archives for posts with tag: happy

When one writes a song that one wants people to be able to dance to, but when one does not profess to possess any expertise in that domain, one might procure a song like this week’s Here’s looking at you, my dear. Do the added beats sound like mistakes? Does one feel compelled to dance upon hearing this song? (If you are bobbing your head by the chorus, we’ll take that as a yes). Is there a hint of modern country seeping through the bassline and drums? All these questions, and more, will be answered in just under 4 minutes. Read the rest of this entry »

We are surrounded by negativity, bad news and malicious people. But we are also surrounded by beauty, love and awesome people. With hard work and integrity, we can “be the change we want to see in the world” – this song is about choosing the long road over the shortcut, the kind words over the vengeful ones, and forever striving to be a good soul. Join us! (Hey guys, guess who wrote that paragraph, Steve or Chris? Go ahead, guess.) Read the rest of this entry »

Ok you monsters. You think our last two songs have been too sad? Too slow? You say you want a “happy song?” You want us to pick up the tempo a little bit? Are you sure that’s what you want? I mean are you really sure? Because you know what they say about being careful what you wish for, and, well, we sure went for it this week. Just like that. Read the rest of this entry »