Archives for posts with tag: Zoom H4n

Tonight’s song started out with a talk with a good friend of mine. We talked about greed, love, the demise of humans… you know, the usual stuff. Being a spiritual man, my friend then proceeded to touch upon Christmas. I talked about life being a collection of human relations, and he reminded me of all the people who will go through Christmas, and many other days this year, alone. And so it was that Tom, a fictional and yet all too real character, appears in my head. This is the story of Tom’s Christmas. Read the rest of this entry »

The last song that Steve wrote was very, very much out of the element of the 52sp. With little to no feedback on it, Steve has assumed that he should stick to the campfire songs. With a new recording rig, a new software setup and an urge to move to a warm country, here is song 47. Which, incidentally, means there are only 5 songs left. Oh, 6 if you count the infamous (and still absent) song 28. “Hello? Is anybody out there?” Read the rest of this entry »